
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Candida Diet: Week 3,4, & 5

What in the world? How did 3 weeks just go by?
All day today I was thinking it was my ONE MONTH mark of being on my candida cleanse diet.
Then I looked at the calendar closely and realized,
You might think I'm a pro now and nothing fazes me, well that's the furthest from the truth.
This diet is still HARD HARD HARD and it got even harder when things quickly went downhill.
When I first started the diet I instantly began seeing changes.  Changes in my acne, my ezcema, my mood, my digestion, everything.
I thought, "Wow! It can only get better from here!"
Well I forgot that things usually get worse before they get better.  I've studied and read all about candida "die-off" and detox symptoms and they all say your symptoms will get worse before they get better. 
So for the past few weeks I've been back at square 1: ezcema came back full force, cystic acne painfully came back, and naturally, my attitude wasn't so great these past few weeks because I need to see positive changes to stay motivated.  When I see myself still at square 1 after 5 weeks of hard work and resisting delicious feed and always feeling hungry, I get very discouraged and constantly battle with myself about giving up or giving in.
I've shed a few tears, I've gone hungry because eating NOTHING sounded better than eating STEAMED VEGGIES again, and I've doubted if all my hard work is doing ANYTHING.
But I know it takes time, and I need to be diligent and patient.  I will continue my diet for another 3 weeks and re-evaluate at the 8 week mark.
I've been slacking at "planning" my meals which doesn't make my life any easier  :)  But here is what I've been snacking on these past few weeks:
Eggs  (yes I am getting tired of eating these)
Protein Smoothie (Seriously my favorite thing on the planet and I shouldn't eat it because of the small amount of sugar but some mornings I say to heck with it)
Handful of raspberries
Tried making coconut flour pancakes: jess like them but since i couldn't have syrup I wasn't the biggest fan.
Lunch & Dinner:
My weekly staples: sloppy joes over cabbage, roasted red potatoes with veggies or side salad,
lemon tilapia w/ veggies, trader joes frozen beef tamales, etc
New recipes I tried:
Pan Seared Turkey Cutlets w/ roasted butternut squash

 This next week I am going to try and cut out corn & coconut as I'm wondering if those are causing allergy symptoms  :(  I'm also going to try and exercise more and get more sleep.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING THIS WEEK!  Enjoy your mashed potatoes, gravy, dinner rolls, and pumpkin pie  :(  Eat for me and enjoy every bite!
I am going to ATTEMPT some "candida friendly" Thanksgiving recipes so I will report how that goes:
I'm excited for THIS recipe
and really hope it turns out ok without all the sugar it calls for
why does sugar make EVERYTHING TASTE DELICIOUS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim,

    I hope your candida stuff is going well. I ran across this video about GMO foods - have you heard much about that? Check it out and let me know what you think!
