Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  
As sad as I am to say goodbye to the holiday season...
I am so READY for the new year

I am ready to make changes and have goals,

Make lists and get organized,

and most importantly... EAT healthier and EXERCISE more!

I hope all of you have discovered the best way to view healthy eating and exercise.
It should not be a punishment, it should not be a restriction, and it should not be ALL for the purpose of 

"When food is the cure for what ails you
choosing whole natural foods makes the most sense after all"

Try to look at food differently this year.  Look at it as your medicine, your energy supply, your skin care, and your weight loss supplement.
Look at healthy food as an adventure! An experiment!
Look at a list of vegetables and write down how many you have NEVER tried.
Make it a goal to try new foods

As for exercise:
Take a look at the MANY reasons to just get up and WALK

The next time you think about exercising and become overwhelmed... realize this:

No matter WHAT you do... ANY exercise is better than NO exercise.
This Year think of exercise as your weight loss buddy, your disease prevention, your mood booster, your energy booster, your ticket to a better night's sleep, and your key to feeling confident.

Kristen and I both have some awesome goals for the new year! One of them is
 to provide all our readers with a CUTE and easy way to ORGANIZE your health and fitness goals!
Here is what we came up with!

This FREE printable is the perfect way to get organized and motivated to eat clean!
It has 3 sections:
First write ALL your general health goals for 2012! These should stay up all year long!
Second is the Monthly Focus. Choose one goal for each week and put all your energy and focus on that one thing!  {We highly recommend becoming a reader of the Word of Wisdom Living blog, which is now on Facebook!  They have made it easy by organizing healthy living into 52 weekly changes.  Here is the first one, and just add a new one when you are ready.  The research put into this blog is amazing, so share it with everyone you know!}
And lastly the Fitness section is to record overall fitness goals which could change month to month.
Also included in the upper right corner is the new Healthy Eating Plate from HARVARD, which we like even better than the one from the USDA!
Read All About It here:

To DOWNLOAD the Free Printable

...And just when you thought 2012 couldn't get any better...
we are giving away a $25 gift card to Trader Joe's!
 Just leave us a comment telling us ONE of your 2012 healthy goals and you will be entered into the drawing.
The winner will be announced
Happy 2012!  Be looking forward to weekly updates from us and other guest contributors, and please share with us your comments of what you are learning as well!  Together we can make a difference!


  1. ...and this is why I love you! Couldn't have written this post better myself, sister! I love how you talked about using Food as our Medicine because it's so true. And you amaze me how you are able to take an idea that's in my head and create something ten times cuter...LOVE the printable, thank you! I am working on filling mine out right now! Am I eligible for the gift card? Ha, ha. :)

  2. Hey, I didn't know you guys had a clean eating blog! So cool! I love, love, love it! It looks great! If it's cool with you girls, I can mention it on my site. I do mostly paleo eating but do have some clean eating recipes on my site too. I do love that you mentioned food as our medicine too. It's amazing how you feel when you change your diet and your activity level. Before you know it those headaches go away, the achy joints and you feel better about yourself. Now who wouldn't want that?? Good job girls, I'm so proud!

  3. Love the cute printable! One of my healthy goals for 2012 is to take more time to meal AND snack plan. And to take a bottle of water with me wherever I go. ( so I can hopefully avoid the thirst for soda). Am I eligible for the gift card? :)

  4. Hi Kim! I miss you already! It was so fun seeing you last week. I LOVE trader joes. I hope I win.

    I have TWO new years resolutions about being healthier: 1. Run a triathalon 2. Be a vegetarian for the month of February.

  5. My goal this year is to raise the standard of food that is going into my mouth and my kids' mouth. I tend to make personal changes and improvements but struggle to implement across the whole family. So REAL for for this REAL family :)

  6. My goal this year is to get everyone in the family eating 5 servings of fruits/vegetables nearly every day. We are doing this by adding a green smoothie in the morning and more veggies at every meal, while offering fruit for snacks more often.

  7. My goal is to be more consistent with exercise and keep with it!

  8. thank you, i intend to use this to help me. this is great motivation ♥

  9. Hey Kim! Excellent post-excellent philosophy! My goals are to check out Trader Joe's (I've been in there once and it makes me a little nervous:) ), start a garden, make a healthy lunch for my hubby everyday, and make two vegetarian meals a week! Thanks for the recipes on your site - it's definitely a help!
